This page gives an overview of the impactful partnership resources and how they can be used to enhance your practice.
Resources are organised into five main themes. You can download the content from each page as a specific PDF resource, or the complete bundle in the Handbook. Both include the worksheets.
Worksheets include questions to check your understanding of the most important ideas and help you connect them with your practice, reflective questions to help you fine-tune your partnership practice, and questions that you might use or adapt in your work with families. Depending how many worksheets you complete, you can apply for a Bronze, Silver or Gold Creating Better Futures Certificate.
Five aspects of practice
The resources are organised around five aspects of practice. These all begin with a description of the research findings and explanation of key concepts, which should be read carefully before completing the relevant worksheet or implementing suggestions in practice. You can link straight to each aspect, or you can browse the overviews below to help you decide which is most relevant for you.
How do I know I have the right elements in place to maximise positive, lasting change?
This section is about what is essential for impactful partnership.
How do I put the principles of partnership into effective practice? How do I build the right relationships and initiate change?
This section is about how partnership is actually done in practice.
How can I use my expertise effectively while working in partnership with families? How can I use my expertise without being a bossy expert? How can I avoid getting stuck in the relationship?
This section is about effective ways to make your specialist knowledge count in partnership.
How can I trace the outcomes of partnership in terms of learning? What could I look out for, with families, as outcome indicators? What could be used as signs that progress is being made?
This section is about exploring alternative ways to capture the outcomes of partnership.
How can I identify the causes of problems and potential solutions at a service level?
This section is about thinking beyond working with particular families to consider how whole services can improve